Matthew Dumford's Self-Hosted Website

University Student

I am a student at the University of Cincinnati in Cincinnati, Ohio. I will graduate in May 2024 with three degrees: a B.S. in Information Technology with a Networking focus, a B.S. in Cybersecurity, and a M.S. in Criminal Justice. I love learning about and working with enterprise networks, which is a big part of the reason I started this home server project. As part of my degree, I have worked multiple internships in a large datacenter environment where my responsibilities included network and infrastructure management. The details of these experiences are expanded in my resume. If you think my passion and skills would be an asset for you or someone you know, I would love to hear from you!

Teaching and Community

The two primary goals of my project (the website and the Minecraft server) each represent something I am passionate about. I love passing on the things I learn to other people, especially people with fewer learning opportunities than myself. This desire is part of why I volunteer to tutor computer science and math classes for local high schools every year. Much of this website is devoted to listing the technologies and resources I used to make my project happen, with the hope that other people will be inspired to take on similar learning experiences of their own. I also love building community with friends. Online games enable me to regularly spend time with people on the other side of the world. My Minecraft server has hosted dozens of different players from as far away as Australia and has allowed us to develop closer friendships despite the separation of distance.