Matthew Dumford's Self-Hosted Website

DLFord's "How To Home Lab" Series

In my search for resources on home servers, I was lucky enough to find DLFord's home lab tutorial blogs. His guides inspired the initial scope of my project and helped me through many difficult endeavors. If you are thinking about pursuing a home lab project similar to mine, I highly recommend checking out his website.

GitHub Projects

The repository and code sharing site GitHub hosts millions of products that are made available for anyone to view and download. In order to give credit to the original authors, below are the projects that became part of my own environment.

Open Source Software

The open source community is full of incredibly talented people who make their work available for anyone to use for free. Several enterprise-grade products, like those listed below, ask for a paid subscription to access their dedicated support resources. But if you are content to rely on community forums, wiki's, and your own problem solving skills, the complete feature set of the software is available at no cost.

Internet Resources

The internet is full of specialized knowledge, but sometimes the information you need can be hard to find or difficult to trust. This list contains some of the resources I defaulted to when I forgot how an HTML element worked, or needed a quick tutorial on a CLI command. I hope you can also find some of your answers in these places. Please know that I am not officially affiliated with any of these sites or businesses in any capacity.